Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Quiver Full


Everything Homemade said...

so sweet...abigail went through the same thing, where she had to have every baby doll and animal she owned, it seemed like, before she could be content and fall asleep! it touches my heart to see little girls emulating their moms with baby dolls, or animals in abigail's case too.

Super Maw Maw said...

My new screensaver - adorable!

Anonymous said...

So cute... I have a picture of Honor amidst stuffed animals... she used to go sit on the shelf with her gang. You could hardly which was the animal and which was my kid. :)

I guess I am reading your mind... there is a great Heloise book out there with lots of cleaning ideas... pretty much baking soda and vinegar in various quantities, and sometimes with a little extra ingredient.

My other new favorite thing is to put a bowl of water with a tablespoon of lemon juice in the microwave, nuke it for a few minutes, and the steam loosens everything off the inside of the microwave, and it smells good from the lemon. You can just wipe it off and it's totally clean. Love it.

Unknown said...

I giggled- she is too cute for words. I have a video of Esther sleeping in her crib with her large doll somehow on top of Esther's back... I still remember that moment. When they are this precious, you must savor those moments to pull them up when they are 5 and quite rotten.