Thursday, April 12, 2012

And nothing, nothing, is more wonderful, amazing, and awe-inspiring than Easter!

I once heard a pastor say that he hopes one day the celebration of Easter will eclipse the celebration of Christmas without the celebration of Christmas being diminished one bit.  That is quite a lofty hope.  Topping the celebration of Christmas would take some doing.  But what he said resounded with me.  If there is anything cooler and more deserving of celebrating than the birth of the Son of God it is His resurrection from the dead and His conquering of sin and death.  Here is a glimpse of our little 2012 effort to throw a party in honor of the greatest event in all of history!

Easter Baskets...

Featuring gold doubloons...

Their Easter eggs...

My Easter eggs...

Easter shoes from a sweet Daddy!

Easter dinner!

Tiny Table!

Backyard egg hunt.

As I said last Easter no human party can do the astonishing facts of Easter justice.  Still parties are how we humans react to wonderful, amazing, awe-inspiring things.  And nothing, nothing, is more wonderful, amazing, and awe-inspiring than Easter!

1 comment:

Ashley Raven said...

I LOVE the big cheesy smiles on the stairs! Miss those little girls!