Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It's Nothing Fancy.

1. Today my kids had yogurt and whole wheat tortillas for lunch. They had milk to drink. Afton drank hers out of a big girl cup. I am trying to eliminate sippies from her life by the time she turns three.

2. I started a new menu planning system this week. I think it is actually too mundane and obvious to share, though if anyone wants to know what it is I will gladly do so. Anyway I am pumped about it. I feel like it is going to make dinner time so much more fun and also make eating out so much more fun because we won't be doing it out of desperation but because we want to.

Tonight I am making Continental Chicken. It was classic around my house when I was growing up. I hated it then, but I love it now. I have enjoyed my friends sharing recipes and meal planning on their blogs lately so I will give you this recipe. It's nothing fancy...just like me.

Family size can of cream of mushroom soup.
8 oz. Sour Cream
Four chicken breasts.

Pop all that good stuff into a crock pot and cook on low for 8 hours. Voila. Super yummy and super easy. I love crock pots. I just hate cleaning them. Serve over rice.


Super Maw Maw said...

And we ate that over noodles!

Everything Homemade said...

i use crock pot bags for my business. it is a bag that you put into the crock pot to cover it so you dont have to wash it. they run about $2 for 4 of them in a box. i know sometimes hating something doesnt mean we are willing to pay for an alternative but just in case, thought i would let you know. i would love your meal planning menu.

after naomi was born i got into always having meals in the freezer and i put on each day of the calendar what we would eat and then if i wanted something else i would just erase 2 meals and switch the days. it was sooo nice to not have to think about it at all except for that one time. not so much anymore.