Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I'm not scared of storms...

This morning at breakfast we were talking about Jesus being with us when we are afraid. I asked the girls what kinds of things make them afraid and Sissy could come up with nothing. I knew she wasn't bluffing, trying to be cute, or forgetting something. This child is fearless. She summed it up with the quote below and pretty much summed up her very self as well. Love, love, love my spunky little girl with a will of iron and heart of gold.

"I'm not scared of storms or spiders. I just love flowers and butterflies and lady bugs."

Ponder Deborah Babington
May 2011


Big Daddy said...

She kills me. Over and over and over again.

Ashley Raven said...

Could I be more in love with this child? I thought it wasn't possible. Turns out I was wrong.